Arnita purnama
Kanchanaburi Rajhabat University
Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University is located at 70 Village No. 4, Ban Phu Phra, Nong Bua Subdistrict, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi Province. At Km 8, Highway No. 323, Kanchanaburi - Sangkhla Buri, which is approximately 14 kilometers north of Kanchanaburi city center, the university has a total area of approximately 542 rai and most of the area is natural on the hillside. Filled with many trees interspersed with stone courtyards and the back of the university is next to the Kwai Yai River.
Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University is a higher education institution developed from the establishment of Kanchanaburi Teachers College named "Kanchanaburi Teachers College" under the Department of Teacher Training. Ministry of Education According to the announcement of the Ministry of Education on 29 September 1973. Located in Phu Phra Village, Village No. 4, Nong Bua Subdistrict, Mueang District, Kanchanaburi Province.
Faculty of Education and Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences were established according to the Teacher College Act of 1975, which was promulgated on February 14, 1975, comprising 17 departments: Department of Educational Foundation, Department of Psychology and Guidance, Department of Educational Testing and Research, Department of Curriculum and Instruction, Department of Educational Technology and Innovation, Department of Kindergarten Education, Department of Thai Language, Department of English, Department of Sociology, Department of Geography, Department of History, Department of Philosophy and Religion, Department of Music Studies, Department of Dramatic Arts, Department of Art Education, Department of Library Science and the Department of Economics and Politics, and opened for the first generation of students in the academic year 1976 by teaching in the Certificate of Vocational Education Program (Cert. Of Voc.Ed.).
In the academic year 1977, the Department of Educational Technology and Innovation was upgraded to the Faculty of Science and Technology, comprising 9 departments: Department of Chemistry, Department of Biology, Department of Physics and General Science, Department of Mathematics, Department of Home Economics, Department of Agriculture, Department of Health Education, Department of Craftsmanship, Department of Physical Education and Recreation.
Academic year 1978, teaching courses at the Diploma of Higher Education level (Higher Education Program), offered 6 majors, namely General Science Majors, Agriculture Majors, Home Economics Majors, Industrial Arts Majors and mathematics majors.
Academic Year 1980, teaching in the Bachelor of Education Program, Undergraduate program, 2 years continuing program after diploma and bachelor's degree program in field of education 2 years continuing program, majoring in General Science.
Academic year 1981, teaching in the undergraduate program, Bachelor of Education program, 4 years, majoring in General Science, Agriculture, Mathematics, English and Home Economics.
Academic Year 1983, the first year of teaching courses at the Diploma of Higher Education level (High Voc. Cert.), vocational techniques.
Afterwards, the Teacher College Act (No. 2, 1984) was amended to enable the teaching of diploma and bachelor's degree programs in fields other than teacher production. As a result, teaching management was conducted in the form of 3 faculties, namely the Faculty of Education, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, and the Faculty of Science and Technology, which offers both diploma, bachelor's degree, 4-year program and 2-year continuous program, and has established a new faculty under the name “Faculty of Science” consists of 2 departments, namely the Department of Cooperatives, and Department of Economics.
Academic year 1990, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat Institute organized an academic contribution project with the College of Physical Education, Suphanburi Province, to produce a Bachelor of Science degree, Training and Sports Management Program.
On February 14, 1992, His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej gave the name "Rajabhat Institute" instead of the name of the Teachers College and the Rajabhat Institute Act was promulgated on January 24, 1995, resulting in Kanchanaburi Teachers College upgrading to Kanchanaburi Rajabhat Institute. Under the Office of the Rajabhat Institute Council Ministry of Education. Therefore, the structure has been modified, to be able to manage teaching and learning with quality in line with labor market and local needs by providing teaching and learning in 4 faculties, namely the Faculty of Education, the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, the Faculty of Science and Technology and the Faculty of Management Science.
Academic year 2001, the Center for Education outside the university was established. Sahawit Commerce School, Suphanburi Province Offers diploma programs and bachelor's degree in 4 fields.
Academic Year 1997, opened a bachelor's degree Science, 4-year program, computer science program for academic services to society and providing education in responsible areas in Kanchanaburi Province and SuphanBuri Province.
Academic Year 1998, Department of Handicraft and Department of Art Industry received support from the institute and was approved by the Kanchanaburi Rajabhat Institute Council, at the meeting No. 4/1998 on November 13, 1998, to be able to develop and prepare for the establishment of a faculty and named. "Faculty of Industrial Technology" to be able to manage full administration like other faculties Since June 1, 1999.
Academic year 1999, the Institute has established a graduate program to offer a master's degree, a special program; a Master of Arts, Social Sciences for Development program, and Master of Education, Education Administration Program.
Academic year 2001, the office of the Center for Non-Institutional Education for all levels was moved from the College of Physical Education, Suphanburi Province to be stationed at Sahawit Commercial School, Suphanburi Province. For the convenience of students traveling and offering a bachelor's degree, a four-year program in health sciences (Child Health Promotion) and Applied Biology Program and expanding educational management to graduate level Education Administration.
From the restructuring of the Ministry of Education on July 7, 2003, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat Institute was transferred to be under the Office of the Higher Education Commission (OHEC) by opening one more branch of accounting and offering a master's degree in art. Master of Arts Librarian and Information Science Offers bachelor's degree in 4-year program; food science and technology program and Sports Science programs (Training and Sports Management).
On June 9, 2004, his Majesty the King, his Majesty signed the Rajabhat University Act 2004 and published it in the Government Gazette Volume 121, special part 23 Kor, June 14, 2004. Resulting in Kanchanaburi Rajabhat Institute being upgraded to Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University under the Office of the Higher Education Commission Ministry of Education Since June 15, 2004
Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University has been following the mission of higher education institutions. The university focuses on local development by being a learning resource and is a local academic principle and also organized academic cooperation projects and create academic networks with various organizations, both internally and externally, for example, Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University has organized an academic cooperation project with the Department of Local Administration, offering a Bachelor of Public Administration Program, Department of Local Government, cooperation project between the Institutes of Community Enterprise Promotion, to teach the University of Life project, and cooperation projects with foreign higher education institutions by exchanging students with Guangxi University and Dongfang College of Foreign Languages, People's Republic of China. It has also offered certificate courses in Thai language (1-year course), Thai language course for foreigners (4-year course), and Business English course for Chinese students.
Translator : Miss.Siriwarin Gray
Professor, English Department, Faculty of Education
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Arnita purnama
khancanabury rajhabat university